HOMEOPATHY for treatment of Pityriasis versicolor / Tinea versicolor

Have you observed some patches on your skin which are either lighter or darker than your surrounding skin?
Homeopathy has proven its efficacy in treating and curing tinea versicolor or pityriasis versicolor.
Homeopathy works holistically, improves vitality and boosts the immunity.
After proper individualisation and repertorisation, a homeopathic medicine is selected which cures the infection, stops the overgrowth of yeast and corrects the discoloration. Most important, Homeopathic treatment stops the recurrence of infection.
Many homeopathic medicines like thuja, sepia, arsenicum, tellurium, bacillinum, merc sol, sulphur bring miraculous results in treatment of pityriasis versicolor.
please visit at -> https://www.homoeopathy-online.com/book-appointment
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